If you want to have the best chance at a long, full healthy life, make positive lifestyle choices. That is the result of a study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study followed 4,886 adults for twenty years. Habits identified as unhealthy included smoking, alcohol consumption of three or more drinks per day for men and two or more for women, less than two hours of exercise per week and averaging less than three daily servings of vegetables and fruits. Hypnosis can help you make those changes.

The statistics are clear. During the twenty years, 1,080 of the participants in the study died. Those who scored poorly on all four standards and were identified as having the worst health habits compromised 29% of those who died. By contrast only eight percent of the 1,080 died from the category which had none of the four unhealthy standards.

The chances of dying earlier were greater in every category for people with the unhealthy habits. The risk was 10% greater because of poor diet, 18% from excessive alcohol consumption and 43% higher for both physical inactivity and smoking.

The researchers indicated that the study did not try to assess whether changing a poor lifestyle behavior would also change people’s risk for dying prematurely. They did conclude that the more unhealthy behaviors in which a person engages, the greater the risk for premature death.

If you are ready to lower your risk for premature death by changing poor lifestyle behavior, hypnosis can help you make the changes. Whether it’s quitting smoking, lowering alcohol consumption, exercising more or eating healthier, hypnosis can be a valuable tool to make those changes, lower your risk for premature death and BE WELL.


     According to a report in THE NEW YORK TIMES of a survey of 138,100 adults by researchers at The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, not everyone who is a heavy drinker is an alcoholic.  The report differentiated between those who are considered to be drinking excessively but are not physically or mentally addicted to alcohol, the definition of "alcoholism, and those who are addicted.

     The study found that 29% of the population of the United States meets the definition for excessive drinking.  That definition is four or more drinks at one time or eight or more during a week for women and five or more drinks in one sitting or 15 or more drinks during a week for men.

     If you are an alcoholic, it is highly likely you will need rehab and a substance-abuse counselor along with a support program to stay free of alcohol.  Hypnosis can be added support to get an alcoholic through rehabilitation and into a program,  A hypnotherapist can help you go from addiction to alcohol to an enthusiastic desire to attend meetings like Alcohol Anonymous.

    If you are a heavy drinker and want to stop drinking completely, hypnosis can be a great tool to achieve that goal.  Hypnosis can be useful along with other appropriate professionals to be alcohol free and BE WELL.