In 2012 researchers at Yale University School of Public Health in New Haven, CT analyzed their data on smoking cessation along with data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.  This analysis was published in THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.  They reported that since the 1964 report by the Surgeon General identifying the dangers of smoking, the rate of smoking fell from 42% in 1964 to 18% in 2012.  They estimated that the antismoking effort engendered by the report had saved eight million lives at that time.

If you are a smoker and want the best chance at having a long, healthy life, it's time to become a healthy nonsmoker.  There is a special section of my website www.JenniferPJohnson on being a health nonsmoker.  Plus you can find a number of blog post articles on quitting smoking and becoming a nonsmoker through hypnosis,  Claim that long, healthy life today,  Quit smoking and BE WELL.





    No, there are no magic words that will give you a more youthful skin.  But hypnosis can help you get motivated to exercise.  And a study presented at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, indicated that people over age 40 who exercised regularly improved their skin condition significantly.

     By the age of 40, people's skin has started to change.  The stratum corneum or top layer of skin has started to thicken.  This makes the skin look dry and flaky.  At the same time, the dermis, or second layer of skin, begins to thin and be less elastic.  

     The study found that those who were over 40 and exercised regularly had a healthier, thinner top layer of skin and a thicker dermis layer.  In addition, in just three months those over the age of 65 exercising regularly had less sagging, crow's feet and fewer wrinkles.

   Having youthful skin helps you look your best.  Exercise helps you be healthier and feel your best.  If you need motivation to get moving, look your best and be well, hypnotherapy can be a great tool.


      A report published in BMJ on an analysis of 305 studies by Huseyin Naci, a fellow at Harvard Medical School, Boston and a doctoral candidate in pharmaceutical policy and economics at London School of Economics, reported that exercise may work better than medication after a stroke or heart attack to prevent early death.  Naci reported moderate-intensity aerobic activity like brisk walking for at least two-and-half hours per week worked as well as medication for heart attack patients.  It was more effective than drugs for stroke patients who were able to exercise.  

    Obviously, medical doctors need to discuss lifestyle changes as well as the use of medications with patients who have had either a heart attack or stroke. In many cases, a combination of drugs and exercise may be the best in preventing early death for those patients.

    If you have been approved and encouraged to start moderate-intensity aerobic exercise by your medical doctor following a stroke or heart attack, hypnosis can be a valuable tool to get moving. Use motivation to get moving and BE WELL.


    If you are a smoker, you are risking not only your own health but that of those who are around you particularly your spouse.  In 2009, M. Maria Glymour, ScD, assistant professor in the Department of Society, Human Development and Health at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, reported on a study of 16,225 people who were married to smokers.  The people were followed for an average of nine years.  It was found that people who had never smoked but were married to a person currently smoking had a 42% greater risk for a first stroke when compared to people who never smoked married to people who had also never smoked.  The risk jumped up to 72% higher risk for ex-smokers married to a person currently smoking.

   Smoking is dangerous not only to your health but the health of those you love.  Quitting smoking can bring down the risk of your spouse having a stroke.  If you need help to become a healthy nonsmoker, hypnotherapy can help. Stop smoking and you and your spouse have the best chance to BE WELL.



    Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, and associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, reported on the findings of researchers who reviewed 148 studies that compared the frequency of social interaction and health over a period of 7.5 years.  They found that strong relationships with the people in their lives including family, friends and coworkers increased the likelihood of survival by 50%.  

    Holt-Lunstad suggested that to live longer open your life to more social interactions like volunteer work, joining a club or hosting events in your home.  If you feel you are naturally shy or anti-social and want to get motivated to make those changes, hypnotherapy can help you no longer be socially isolated and BE WELL.


    Are you a person who considers a trip to a tanning salon a part of your routine?  Perhaps you are getting ready for a trip to the beach or hope to raise blood levels of vitamin D by using indoor tanning.  Resist the temptation!

     Just know that evidence continues to come in about the dangers of using a tanning salon.  The International Journal of Cancer reported on an analysis of data compiled from nineteen studies on indoor tanning and the risk of developing skin cancer.  The results reported were that people who used artificial tanning equipment before the age of 35 had double the risk for developing squamous cell skin cancer which is potentially disfiguring and had a seventy-five percent greater risk for the deadliest skin cancer, melanoma.

     Be aware that the UV intensity of tanning beds may be as much as ten to fifteen times greater than the exposure of the midday sun.  You are being endangered by those trips to the tanning salon.  If you want the look of a tan, use tanning creams.  If you are outside less than an hour a week without sunscreen, you are likely getting enough vitamin D from the sun.  If you seldom go outside or always use sunscreen and keep completely covered, a supplementation of 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D through supplementation is much safer than using a tanning salon.

    I've had clients tell me they are "addicted" to tanning salons.  If you have this bad habit and want to stop, hypnotherapy can be a great tool.  Stop artificial tanning and BE WELL.


    Too often when things don't go to suit us, we find blame in  things outside our control.  We find myriad reasons to make excuses for our faults and bad habits.  Our bad luck, our genes, our parents all get blamed for the problems in our lives.  Unfortunately, as we avoid responsibility we begin to use those excuses as truths about who we are.  Theses excuses become limitations to making changes and overcoming old labels.

    How often have you labeled yourself?  If you identify yourself as "lazy", "fat",  having a poor memory: being"a shopaholic", a klutz or any other negative label, you are limiting yourself.  These limiting labels can be the basis to self-actualize that belief.  Soon you don't move because you are "lazy, don't lose weight because you are "fat" or over-spend because you are a "shopaholic".  

   So what can you do to change this pattern?   It's time to stop accepting negative labels.  If you want to change old habits that are holding you back,  consciously remove the old negative label and give yourself a positive affirmation.  Create a positive affirmation that resonates for you.  For the negative label of laziness perhaps you could create a positive label like "  I am capable and accomplish my goals."  For the negative label of being fat, a new label could be: "I make good choices to create a strong, healthy body."  For the negative label of poor memory, a positive affirmation could be "I live mindfully and remember well."

    Know that how you think creates who you become.  So work on removing negative labels and create positive affirmations to create a more positive life.  A qualified hypnotherapist could help guide you through this process and do a hypnotherapy session to reinforce the new positive labels.  Remove negative labels, create new positive labels and BE WELL.


     Are you often bothered by unwanted sounds like hissing, roaring, buzzing or ringing in your ears?  If no one else seems to be hearing that unwanted sound, you likely have tinnitus.  In fact as many as fifty million Americans are suffering with this condition.

    Some of the latest research and thinking about tinnitus believes that it is likely more of a brain issue than an ear issue.  Although tinnitus may begin with age-related hearing loss, the brain may begin to compensate for the sensory input it expected by activating neurons to create a perception of a sound.  Tinnitus may also happen because of long-term exposure to very loud noises.  This may change brain function as well.  

   So what can you do if you suffer from tinnitus?  First of all, see your medical doctor.  Your doctor will make sure you do not have a physical problem such as excess earwax which can be a common reason for tinnitus.  By reviewing your medications, your doctor may identify a prescription drug or over-the-counter medication such as aspirin or Motrin which can cause tinnitus in some people,  Diuretics, cancer medications and some antibiotics can sometimes trigger tinnitus.  Always consult your doctor before decreasing the dose or stopping the use of a particular prescription.  If medication is behind the tinnitus, your doctor can change your drug prescription to eliminate the symptom.

     According to the American Tinnitus Association, some people have gotten relief from tinnitus by using supplements.  The ATA recommends the B vitamins particularly B-12 and the minerals, magnesium or zinc.  Again, these should be taken on the advice of your doctor.

    Some medical doctors also prescribe drugs to reduce tinnitus symptoms.  These medications are created to treat other symptoms but are prescribed "off label" for tinnitus.  They include Alprazolam (Xanax), an anti-anxiety medication, which seems to give temporary relief in some patients, SSRI antidepressent, and Acamprosate, Campral, which is designed to treat alcohol addiction but has helped some tinnitus sufferers.

    Many people with tinnitus are hoping to get relief without using drugs.  Masking sounds with background noise such as a fan or a white-noise device helps some people.  Sound therapy called tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is provided by audiologists and has a reported success rate of about 80%.  Acupuncture, biofeedback and hypnosis are also used in treating tinnitus.

     Research conducted at the University of Liege in Belgium  found that among 49 tinnitus patients who had hypnosis and were  taught basic self-hypnosis, 35 completed the training and reported relief from tinnitus symptoms after five to ten sessions.  If you are ready to get relief from that ringing in your ears, hypnotherapy can be another tool in your tool box.  Relieve the ringing and BE WELL. 


    Stress management is important for everyone but can become critical if you have diabetes.   When a person is stressed, the body releases the "fight or flight" hormone cortisol.  This is particularly significant for diabetics because cortisol also increases blood glucose to produce a quick surge in adrenalin.  Cortisol can be released in an emergency situation or in the chronic stress people often feel in their daily life.  Diabetes can become more difficult to control with chronic stress.

    So what can you do to manage your stress?  At least a few times a day, do something you find relaxing - read a chapter, work on a craft or hobby, call a friend.  Get up and move.  Simply taking a walk can help calm you and relieve stress.  Practice yoga or learn to meditate.  Get away from stresses by getting outside for a few minutes.  Remember, hypnotherapy can be a great way to relieve stress.  If you have diabetes or are concerned about the stress has on your body, begin to manage your stress and BE WELL.


    Perhaps you have had heard the old saying "Where there's smoke, there's fire".    Where there's smoke, there may also be health risks.  A study of 4,400 women found that those who were exposed to secondhand smoke were 70 percent more likely to have irregular Pap tests.  Kristy Ward, M.D. and lead author of the study noted, "The cervix has rapid cell turnover, so it's vulnerable to carcinogens.  Try to avoid the smoke - but if you can't, be conscientious about Paps, to detect abnormalities early."  If you are being exposed to cigarette smoke, share this information.  It may become just the motivator for your smoker to become a nonsmoker.  Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool for quitting smoking which could save not only the smoker's life but that of those exposed to the second smoke.  Encourage the smokers in your life to quit smoking and BE WELL.


    Dealing with stress and learning to relax are two reasons I often see clients in my hypnotherapy practice.  From daily life stresses like work issues and family relationships to dealing with major traumas like sexual assault, car wrecks and returning from war,  people need tools to manage the stresses they are experiencing in their lives.

     Amishi Jha, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, who studies stress-fighting techniques to help military personnel has said that "The mind needs support - we call it 'mental armor" - just as much as the body does" She notes that "Research shows it's possible to cushion yourself against stress and the tactics we're using with soldiers also apply to real folks and more common types of anxiety."  

    Stress is dangerous.  Stress over time causes anxiety and persistent anxiety can actually kill neurons in the brain dealing with decision-making and memory.  This destruction is so damaging it is even visible on brain scans.

     Among the coping techniques new PTSD science is teaching is how to deal with stress.  The researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are using the practice of mindfulness meditation with military personnel to help stress resilience.  Results have shown that Marines were more alert, exhibited better memory and less reactive to stressors after just eight weeks of meditation training.

    If you have tried meditation before and found you could not do it or felt too busy to meditate, here is a simple technique the Marines use even in a war zone.  Sit upright while focusing on your breathing.  Then begin to pay to attention to a physical sensation such as the feel of your chest moving or air in your nostrils.  When your mind wanders, just note the disruption and then return your attention to the physical sensation.  Some people meditate for half an hour or more each day, others find that it is easier to simply meditate for five to ten minutes at a time for a number of times a day.

    Hypnotherapy is another great tool to deal with stress and help you relax.  A qualified hypnotherapist can help you learn techniques for mindfulness so you can BE WELL.


     Did you know that about one in six men in the United States will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime?  It is the most common cancer in men and is only behind lung cancer as the second leading cause of male cancer deaths. 

    A study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association analyzed data on 5,366 men who were treated for prostate cancer. The study was trying to address the question of whether smoking might make a difference in how a man's health progresses after receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer. The researchers found that men who were smokers when they were diagnosed with prostate cancer were about 60 percent more likely to have died from the cancer or have had a recurrence than those who had never smoked.  In fact, smokers were more than twice as likely to have died for any reason.

     The good news is that men who had quit smoking at least ten years before being diagnosed with prostate cancer had comparable risks to those who had never smoked.  About 270,000 deaths each year are attributed to U.S. men who smoke cigarettes.  If you are smoking, it's time to stop.  If you need help smoking, call a hypnotherapist to help you become a non-smoker and BE WELL.


    At this time of the year, I am always particularly aware of the many blessings in my life. Among them are the opportunity to work in a profession that can touch people's lives in such a positive way.  Every year I meet with many people who are trying to change their lives and make them better.  To release a phobia, quit smoking, lose weight or deal with anxiety takes real courage.  The people who come to my office to make those changes are a powerful and positive role model to me.  This blog has also been a blessing to me as I researched new studies and shared what I have learned.  The best part is the comments I receive telling me that the information is touching lives.  Thank you to each person with whom I have worked and each person who has taken time out of a busy life to read my blog.  I wish you all the blessings of this holiday season.