Welcome to my web site. For over twenty years, I have practiced hypnotherapy in Fairfax, Virginia. which is a suburb of Washington, DC. I am a Board Certified and Registered Hypnotherapist with a doctorate (Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy). I received my training from the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute of Boulder, Colorado and the American Institute of Hypnotherapy in Santa Ana, California. This blog was designed to help you learn about hypnotherapy and how it might be of value to you.
The navigation prompts above will guide you to information of interest to you. ARTICLES are my blog posts which I update regularly. They are about hypnosis, hypnotherapy or often about current research on issues my clients are interested in such as weight loss, anxiety, phobias or habit modification. BE A HEALTHY NON-SMOKER is a section of the site designed just for people wanting to quit smoking. HYPNOTHERAPY has a section called FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and another discussing many of the other issues for which people use hypnotherapy. Over the years I have received many calls, emails and letters of thanks. Some of these are listed in TESTIMONIALS. ABOUT will tell you more about me and my practice and CONTACT will give information about reaching me.
I am very interested in the topic of wellness - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So come back to this site often as I try to keep my readers updated on the latest research in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and wellness. Come back often and BE WELL. Jennifer Johnson, DCH