You may have heard of interval training but may not be quite sure of what it is or how it could help you reach your exercise goals and/or weight loss. A lot of exercise programs begin with strictly aerobic exercises. And many of those are lower-intensity exercises like walking, jogging or biking. Interval exercise occurs when you include short intervals of higher-intensity walking, jogging or biking to your routine.
Interval exercise is when individuals exercise for two minutes at 97 percent of their maximum heart rate followed by a recovery period of three minutes of low intensity exercise. A study (METABOLISM 94;43:556-571) found that fat-burning enzymes increased with interval exercise. In addition, fat loss was up to nine times higher and the effect of the fat-burning continued for 24 hours.
So how do you get started? Choose an exercise you might normally do such as walking. Walk at your normal pace and then speed up your pace to the higher-intensity phase for about half the time of the normal phase. For example, instead of your usual same-pace thirty minute walk, walk at your usual rate for six minutes, then speed up for three, then back to the usual rate and so on for the thirty minutes.
There are lots of benefits of interval training. It improves overall circulation, conditions the heart and improves fat loss.It also improves your overall metabolic rate. Interval training helps your body to burn more fuel (fat) even when you stop exercising. You may be intimidated by starting an interval training program. Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool to use as you plan, get started and work out with interval exercise.