In May of 2008, C. M. Blanchard et al, reported in the JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY on a study of 9,000 survivors of six different types of cancer.  The study concluded that a higher quality of life was correlated to making healthy lifestyle choices.  The majority of cancer survivors in the study were not smoking but had mixed results  from other positive lifestyle changes.

     The American Cancer Society has healthy lifestyle recommendations for cancer survivors.  They include:  not smoking, exercising for 30 minutes at least five times a week and eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  In the study of the 9,000 survivors almost 92% did not smoke.  But the numbers weren't as good for the other recommendations.  Fewer than half were doing the prescribed amount of physical activity and less tan 19% of survivors were meeting the five-a-day food recommendation.  The study concluded that prostate, colorectal and breast cancer survivors who met the smoking and dietary guidelines had a significantly higher quality of life than those who didn't.  A higher quality of life was reported by all survivors who met the exercise recommendations.  Those in the study who made those positive lifestyle changes had a higher quality of life.

    If you or a loved one is a cancer survivor or if you want to improve your quality of life, follow The American Cancer Society recommendations.  Hypnotherapy can help you get motivated to quit smoking, eat healthier and exercise regularly.  To learn more check my websites: or