A paper in the journal, HEALTH POLICY, reported that about 150,000 American men in the United States die prematurely each year from preventable causes. This was a higher rate than in fifteen developed countries. Among the most identified diseases causing the high rates of preventable disease in American men were diabetes, heart disease and prostate cancer.
The magazine, MEN'S HEALTH, recommended studying some of the other developed countries which did not have such a high rate of male premature death. Italian men make heart-healthy eating choices including a Mediterranean diet, olive oil and moderate amounts of red wine. Italian men also smoke much less than they once did. Japanese men drink green tea which has been identified as a help in fighting prostate cancer. In Switzerland, men are much more apt to ride a bike or walk to work. This activity may be an identifiable reason for the lower risk of diabetes in Swiss men.
The men in those countries were all making good choices to take care of themselves and their health. If you or the man in your life are ready to improve the chances for a long, full healthy life, it's time to eat well, quit smoking and even have a glass of red wine or a cup of green tea. Hypnotherapy can help to make those changes so you can BE WELL.