An article published in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION reported on a study of 330 students by researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. The study compared students sleep habits and their body fat. The primary finding was that regular sleep habits can help you keep slim. The researchers identified consistent sleep habits as those in which the subject's bedtime and wake-up time varied by an hour or less each day. They concluded that people with those consistent sleep habits including bedtimes and wake-up times had less body fat than those whose sleep habits were most erratic.
The recommendation was that the best amount of time to sleep was six-and-a-half to eight-and-a-half hours per night. If one of your New Year's resolutions was to go to bed earlier, sleep better or have more consistent sleep habits, hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool to help. Your sleep habits affect your weight. Improve them, have less body fat and BE WELL.